Saturday, August 26, 2006

I was born at the beginning of The Space Age, a term you almost never hear anymore, a few weeks after Sputnik scared the shit out of all good anti-communists. Growing up in Houston with NASA just down the road and Astrodomes and Astroturf and Astro Arena, hell I played little league baseball on the Astros, you just had a sense of the adventure of space. Our elementary school classes would wheel in a black and white TV for launches, and when Apollo 1 burned we named schools for Grissom, White and Chaffey. Even in law school our Civil Procedure prof let us out early to watch the landing of the first Shuttle mission. I figure my kid is about the right age to be on the first manned mission to Mars. Last year I was at Oshkosh when Global Surveyor and Spaceship One were there, heard the announcement by Branson for Virgin Galactic. And when they announced that VG would build it's launch facility in New Mexico, well damn, I was born there.

There's not much chance I'll ever go for a ride on VG, but it is definitely on my post-Lotto win list....


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