Hot Button Revenge woohoo!
I wanted to pass this along --a chance to see some very funny political cartoons on my favorite topic: politicization of science.
On issues from air quality to global warming, government science is being censored, manipulated, and distorted on an unprecedented scale. To draw attention to this problem and have a little fun, the Union of Concerned Scientists is hosting Science Idol: the Scientific Integrity Editorial Cartoon Contest.
These are funnier one at a time, seeing a bunch on the same topic dilutes them some. And so it goes.
Monday, June 25, 2007
All politics is personal.
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"These are funnier one at a time, seeing a bunch on the same topic dilutes them some. And so it goes."
Oh, so now you want to censor mass presentation of humor, huh? You bloggers are never happy. First it's the government, then science, now the humor industry. What's next?
Some blog you got. Been waitin' a week to comment some more. Ain't you committed anymore?
I post when I feel like it. Do I know you??
You'd know me better if you' give me some new material. Come on, don't you care about your fans anymore?
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