Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Because I know I'll forget this later.

From The Detroit Free Press:

"According to the dress code, students are allowed to wear school-sanctioned clothing, such as T-shirts bearing the school's mascot or clothing that supports school organizations.

This, according to the ACLU of Michigan, may violate the students' rights, particularly because it allows students to wear clothing that encourages school spirit but bans other forms of expression. ACLU officials have said that they plan to look into the constitutionality of the dress code."

As a Libertarian I share stances with both liberals and conservatives and so I read both types of blogs and get emails from riled up members of both camps. The ACLU is frequently mentioned in disgust by my right-leaning correspondents, ostensibly for living up to the "L" in their name. Never have figured out why right-wingers are agin liberty.

Anyway, I never seem to have anything to retort with except the ACLU defense of the KKK in their desire to march in Skokie over a decade ago. Standing up for the rights of the KKK seems to me like a perfect example of 'defending your right to say that which offends me'. As is this story.

Here, a few patriotic kids (and that's a good conservative thing, yes?) got bounced for wearing T-shirts on 9-11 that included words or pictures, in violation of the dress code. Looks like the ACLU angle is that if school words and images are OK then all bets are off. I don't know if they'll prevail, but at least they get props from me for standing up for conservatives. Under the liberal guise of free speech anyway.


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