A school district in Burleson takes a novel approach to school shootings: prepare to fight back.
On balance, and not by a lot, I prefer this approach.
First, it will probably never happen in Burleson. Just like it will probably never happen in 99% of the nation's schools.
Second, it offers a better chance of survival than doing nothing. Even in a worst case scenario I would think less kids get shot. Any parent that sues will have to prove that kid A got shot during a rush, whereas otherwise it would be kid B
who got shot. Impossible to do.
Third, doing something allows you to get over it. The guilt of doing nothing and surviving is hard on survivors. At least they'll know they tried.
But, on the other hand, Conan never succumbed to such tactics by a group of warriors, much less 95 pound art teachers :p
UPDATE: Burleson bagged the program. Was run by a Burleson cop, hubby to a school principal, not a lot of good research behind it.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
All politics is personal.
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