Sunday, December 09, 2007

Barry Bonds: Icon of Civil Liberty


Going back a couple of years we have the feds issuing a 42 count indictment in the BALCO scandal. What as the longest term served by the BALCO defendants? The fourteen months served by Barry Bonds' personal trainer Greg Anderson. Not for anything having to do with steroids, though. After he served three months for conspiracy (thought police) he was hauled back in for contempt for failing to testify before a grand jury regarding Bonds.

When Bonds was finally indicted Anderson was released. Nothing, nada, in the Bonds' indictment came from Anderson, his fourteen months was a waste. And possibly a fraud, merely punitive.

As is so often the case in fed cases, the harshest punishments are reserved for those who fail to cooperate, not those who, I dunno, actually break the law. And it's about high profile indictments, along with TV and photo ops, while the dismissals and wrist slaps are announced by defense lawyers. To their family and staff.

Sic 'em Barry!


At 9:38 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't have any desire for Barry* Bonds to go to jail, and my non-lawyer take on the situation is that he won't. And I'm certainly no fan of heavy handed feds.

But I don't have any sympathy for Barry* unless he's been honest all along, which I sincerely doubt. He's playing a public game, he ain't playing by the rules, and he's had hundreds of opportunities to come clean. So, no jail, but some public humiliation isn't so bad.

(Side note: Whether or not this is a proper use of federal time and money is a separate issue. So these comments only apply to Barry's* personal situation.)

I guess I just like people who are honest.

Which is why I don't like the politicians who are dead set on this happening.

At 10:33 AM , Blogger quash said...

I'm guessing you voted for the * on the ball that went into the HoF?

At 1:37 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, I'm not for the official *. I think my fingers just slipped on the keyboard during the last post. Three times.

Actually, I think Barry* should have an asterisk tatooed on one of his testicles.

If he still has any.

At 8:38 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

And you can put Roger with him . . .


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