Friday, September 05, 2008

I think the GOP has pushed the "Poor Sara" button too hard, to the point where she looks weak. A strong woman can stand on her own two feet. Hey, she called out the press, and she self labeled as a bulldog. Let's quit the sexist big brother routine and see if she can take the heat.

First question: Hey Sara, how's that' abstinence only' working out fer ya?

Second question: Did your daughter get a choice? Can anybody else's get one?

Third one: Just how self-centered does one have to be to try to conceive a fifth child at 44? While a governor?

Fourth: You fired the librarian who wouldn't burn, I mean ban, books. Did you decide to rehire her before or after the town held a recall meeting?

Fifth: If your executive experience is really all that and a Snickers, does it make your running mate nervous that you have more than him, too?

Sixth: Teach ID in public schools? Seriously? Will that be before or after the chapter on Pastafarianism?

Seventh: Since you told Congress you didn't need that Bridge to Nowhere you campaigned on when you went to Ketchikan, isn't it true that Alaska got to keep the money, just without the earmark? In fact, Alaska gets more federal money per capita than the average state. Sara, is it still by a factor of ten? And didn't you spend $38 million in federal transportation funds building a road to the Bridge to Nowhere?

Eighth: Got any pics of the Runner Up to Miss Wasilla?

Couldn't resist that last one.

Ok, one more: Hey Hockey Mom, how many games you gonna catch this season? Aw, bummer.


At 8:43 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, now you sound like a Democratic talking points machine!

Not saying you're wrong, right, or anything. Just saying.


At 4:03 PM , Blogger quash said...

'Cept I wrote 'em, not the party.


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