Friday, December 29, 2006

It's a bird, it's a plane, it's... Batman??

So I'm still waiting for the personal jet pack the Space Age was supposed to bring us, but meanwhile Jet-Man is pretty amazing. He needs a better source for comic book heroes and soundtracks, but can't fault a thing with his flying. Dude flies fast, low and close to mountains in clouds, so I hope he lives long enough to work this sucker out.

And lemme know if I ever get my Crank-o-meter ratcheted up this high. But I'm feeling him.

And no, this Cody Banks thingy doesn't count. It certainly has all the functionality of a personal jetpack, but none of the coolness :p

Update: Woohoo! Cool new PBS series, Wired Science, and the first episode had a segment of particular interest.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

So "happy" now means "gay", even though "gay" no longer means "happy". Right.

Saw "Happy Feet" Tuesday with my kid. Spoilers ahead, but nothing you won't figure out 5 minutes into the movie.

Fox and the Religious Right are pissed. This movie is pushing the Gay Agenda onto kids again. See, the lead character is different (he dances rather than sings, like any other good Elvis-loving penguin) and he is eventually accepted despite his differences. And over the objections of the clan elders.

Somebody needs to look up the psychology term "projection".

The authority figures in this movie were far more pagan than evangelical Christian. Far. Authoritarians always look a bit fundamentalist: both rely on absolutes. Big deal, doesn't make every absolutist a Christian. Unless he's in a Hollywood movie, huh?

And I guess Gloria, who never paired off but taught the kids of others was just a lesbian? And I thought the movie was fantasy for the way Mumbles goes from the zoo to hero. How in the world did his feet make people see the connection between commercial fish harvesting and the plight of those Emperors? No way. None.

Final thought: picking battles over imaginary slights is going to be one of the main reasons You People lose the Culture War. Looking at you Medved.