Plamegate: does it still have any legs?
The guy who first bitched, properly, that Novak was out of line to name Valerie Plame Wilson as a CIA agent has patiently waited for this day. Now that VPW has published her book " Fair Game: My Life as a Spy, My Betrayal by the White House", David Corn, the Washington editor of The Nation magazine can finally get his "I told you so".
VPW is making the talk show rounds and there can no longer be any doubt that outing her did damage to an important, ongoing covert operation. And not just any operation, but one that should have been dear enough to neocon hearts to have left her alone.
Mrs. Wilson's job was to keep the bad guys from getting WMDs. You'd think that anybody in the Bush administration who slowed or hindered that effort would get canned at least, and likely prosecuted. Scooter Libbey was nominally thrown to the wolves, but fortunately he was wearing a Bush Bungee Cord, and was miraculously yanked back/commuted to safety.
This was a mean-spirited, personal political attack of the lowest kind. And damaging to our national interests. Regarding bad guys and WMDs. I don't expect Republicans to apologize (the CYA spinning is well under way) and I have to say that I really don't expect the Dems to do much either.
This leaves it to the very media which helped sell the WMDs in Iraq story to make the effort to hold the Bush administration accountable.
I'm not holding my breath.
Friday, October 26, 2007
All politics is personal.
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