Sunday, November 29, 2009

Update to Feb '07 post: Climategate.

I have been a man made global warming skeptic for several years. It began when I found out that if you read news pieces carefully regarding the IPCC report you would sometimes find a reference to the summary instead of the report. So I began to look around and found that only the summary had been released. So I dug into that. Turns out the summary is written by policy makers, not scientists. In fact, one by one many scientists were asking that their name be removed from the IPCC report.

Not surprising. Even though most MMGW scientists were reviled as "deniers" (to link them to Holocaust deniers and all the lovely taint of Nazism) the fact is that science works by having one scientist question anothers data/tests/methodology/
results. Some of the IPCC scientists were not comfortable with the broad conclusions drawn from their narrow data sets. No scientist appreciates having his work misrepresented. The typical formula was:
scientist: under the hypothetical conditions of our model, if this then that.
Summary: under current conditions this will happen.

At least that is what I got from reading around.

Turns out it was worse. Much worse. Think Haeckel's embryos.

Somebody hacked the email server of the Hockey Team, the guys who support Mann and his hockey stick chart that shows how MMGW has changed the climate game. Turns out they changed the numbers. And hid the numbers. And discussed how to delete the numbers.

If the cap and trade folks find out they were hoaxed by the cap and gown folks, expect to see public and private funding dry up.

Since the media have been riding the Prius built by the Hockey Team, I wonder who will drive this story?

Don't get me wrong: I try to buy, live, drive and consume green. It makes sense for a variety of reasons. But MMGW may no longer be one of the reasons. And the real shame is that all the new green jobs and whatever could only exist if we thought global catastrophe was at stake. Apparently we'll tolerate particulate pollution and increased arsenic levels in our water, but if you want us to act on anything you have go all 2012 on us. Say goodbye to the Green Economy.

At least until the Next Big Scare.